Steel Pegs vs. Plastic Pegs : What's The Difference?

At the time of writing this blog, there are approximately 8.5 million households In Australia. Let's be conservative and assume around 50% of these households like to reduce their energy consumption by hanging their washing on a line/rack rather than putting them in a dryer. This equates to 4.25 million households that use pegs. So, If the average household has 30 pegs to hang out their washing (again, being conservative) then that would result in 127,500,000 pegs currently being used throughout Australia. 

Unfortunately the vast majority of these pegs are made from harmful plastic. So what’s the problem? Well firstly, plastic pegs become brittle over time and break, meaning you'll need to replace them multiple times throughout a lifetime. Once broken, they often crumble into smaller and smaller pieces making them harder to pick up and recycle, and in doing so - contributing to the ever growing problem of microplastics in our natural environment.

In addition, the plastic used in these pegs (and many other plastic products) often contains toxic chemicals like Bisphenol A (BPA), Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or Phthalates. These chemicals can leech into both soils and waterways, causing further harm to our natural environment. These chemicals are also known to have a significant impact on human health. 

The good news is however, that the tide is slowly turning and Australia is starting to understand the potential benefits of less harmful, plastic-free alternatives in the household. Stainless steel pegs have only really started to gain popularity in the past couple of years, but are quickly becoming a key laundry item for many Australian households./p>



There are a few different options for stainless steel pegs and are all far better for the planet than plastic ones. The most common type is made from a single stainless steel wire, these are (in our opinion) the best as there is only one part, making them extremely durable.

Of these steel pegs there are also various categories of steel quality, most commonly; 201,304 & 316 grade stainless steel. 201 grade offers minimal resistance to corrosion and rust, 304 grade offers standard corrosion resistance & strength, while 316 grade stainless steel offers a vastly superior resistance to chlorides & acids, making them the most resilient of all current grades of steel on the market. 

As previously mentioned these steel pegs are extremely tough, meaning they will last forever, surviving all climates and weather conditions without fear of rust or corrosion. More importantly they reduce the significant amount of plastic waste generated from a lifetime of plastic peg use.

Some frequently asked questions about steel pegs 

Do they heat up in the sun and become untouchable in summer?

Not at all! these stainless steel pegs are designed with an appropriate thickness to not hold any heat, even on the hottest day of the year. We've tested them on a 40 degree day with no issues. 

Do they stay on the line on windy days?

Yes, they have an extremely strong grip strength making them hold even the heaviest items in the laundry basket!

Are they suitable for people with Arthritis?

Yes, we have had a number of people tell us they're perfectly fine, however we do recommend the larger size for anyone that struggles with grip strength as they have more leverage, making them easier to use. 



Through small individual decisions to be more environmentally conscious, we are able impact those around us and collectively create a world that rejects the idea of waste, protecting our future, our kids futures and our abundant natural environment. 

To have a look at our entire range of Eco-friendly & Waste free Products click here

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